Saturday 4 June 2011

fever to tell

fever to tell. Yeah Yeahs - Fever To Tell
  • Yeah Yeahs - Fever To Tell

  • Designer Dale
    Mar 16, 03:31 PM
    I'm beginning to believe the term "sentient mammals" is more appropriately applied to dolphins than humans. At least the (R) kind.

    Dolphins aid dog rescue (

    MARCO ISLAND, Fla., Feb. 25 (UPI) -- A Florida woman said her missing dog was found after a group of dolphins drew a neighbor's attention to the canine treading water.

    Cindy Burnett of Marco Island said Turbo, an 11-year-old Doberman, escaped from her yard Sunday night and she and her sons were unable to locate him, WBBH-TV, Fort Myers, reported Thursday.

    Burnett said a fatigued Turbo was finally spotted swimming in canal water when a group of dolphins splashing loudly drew a neighbor's attention to the distressed canine.


    fever to tell. Yeah Yeahs - Fever To Tell
  • Yeah Yeahs - Fever To Tell

  • (marc)
    Apr 25, 05:28 AM
    The white model looks far worse than the black model. Apple should have used the 3G design anyway, it was way better than the iPhone 4's design...

    fever to tell. Yeah Yeahs , Fever To Tell
  • Yeah Yeahs , Fever To Tell

  • Chundles
    Sep 24, 07:48 PM
    And, by the way, thank you so much for making me think of my parents having sex.

    No worries, although - you actually have to conjure up the image in your mind.

    I walked in on mine.

    fever to tell. #39;Fever To Tell#39; by Yeah Yeah
  • #39;Fever To Tell#39; by Yeah Yeah

  • samcraig
    Apr 27, 01:24 PM
    I'm simply stating the point that I don't understand how people can keep debating this "issue" when there are CLEARLY more important things to talk about. I think because Apple is so successful they get picked on by the media and other Company's seem to get a free pass.

    ...And just because I have "newbie" next to my name doesn't mean I don't know how forums work buddy.

    "Buddy" I didn't even notice your join date nor do I care.

    There are more important things to talk about than a white iPhone - yet there are threads upon threads.

    For one - this is an Apple community - not a Sony one.

    Second - Starting to deflect the issue by comparing it to Sony is taking the thread off topic.

    No one's getting a free pass.


    fever to tell. Yeah Yeah#39;s Fever to Tell
  • Yeah Yeah#39;s Fever to Tell

    May 5, 06:20 PM
    Today, I went to use my Mac and the Internet won't connect. Airport says it's connected (with the full set of bars). And my other wifi equipped devices are working fine.

    Anyone got any suggestions? Any help would be appreciated.

    fever to tell. yeah yeahs - fever to tell
  • yeah yeahs - fever to tell

  • stewie1
    Apr 7, 03:25 PM
    Everyone here is quite happy with how Apple manages their personal data, but I bet a million dollars that not one of you has read the iTunes or App Store terms and conditions all the way through. We may one day find out that we all signed off on donating our DNA to Apple so that it could build a clone army of customers for the next million years.


    fever to tell. Yeah Yeahs - Fever to Tell
  • Yeah Yeahs - Fever to Tell

  • JAT
    Mar 25, 11:59 AM
    Why not? The USA for example has only 4 million miles of roads. A car with driver + passenger + some decent equipment should be able to map say 10 miles per hour, at a cost of $50 per hour. 200 cars for a year, that's 20 million dollars. And then you have a database that you can sell, and that you can use everywhere. Then write an iPhone app that lets users make corrections, lets businesses add their locations etc. and you are ready.
    You could just buy a TomTom for $150 and have all that, already.
    Apple should just roll their own.

    They have the power, the talent, the size, and certainly the scale, to go their own way with an excellent chance of success.

    The job posting begs to differ.

    fever to tell. Yeah Yeahs - Fever To Tell
  • Yeah Yeahs - Fever To Tell

  • Hin3sy
    Apr 11, 04:05 PM
    Ok, I bought my new Macbook Pro, now I have to do the hardest part: waiting.

    Well, I had a question, I got RAM from newegg, but I was wondering if I should run the computer's initial set-up first, or if I should just open up the computer as soon as I get it and switch out the RAM? Is it better to do one than the other?


    fever to tell. Fever to Tell: The Chicago
  • Fever to Tell: The Chicago

  • Disc Golfer
    Jan 18, 12:44 AM
    Yo my fu<kin dick is bigger and cheaper, line up you ****in idiots.

    fever to tell. Fever to Tell is chockablock
  • Fever to Tell is chockablock

  • johnnyjibbs
    Oct 14, 04:09 AM
    Having trouble computing what exactly is "overdone" about the UI of this app. It is simple, clean and well organized.

    If you so desire, help a brother out and explain what is "overdone" about the UI?

    I remember back in the Nintendo 64 days there was a good Mario-like platform game called Banjo Kazooie. The first one looked amazing, was smooth and was a joy to play, looking great for one of the earlier games to come out on the system.

    Fast forward a couple of years and Banjo Tooie (Banjo Kazooie 2) came out. Sure, it was 'bigger and better', with even more stuff going on and 'better graphics'. But it pushed the N64 beyond its capabilities and suffered from jerky gameplay, with too many things packed in for its own good. The whole game was, while good in pockets, too cluttered and the whole thing felt 'overdone'.

    Tweetie 1 was akin to Banjo Kazooie. Unfortunately, Tweetie 2 is a bit more 'Banjo Tooie'. It's the classic underwhelming film sequel, there to cash on in on a brilliant first version.


    fever to tell. Yeah Yeahs - Fever To Tell
  • Yeah Yeahs - Fever To Tell

  • Kiwiboi22
    Apr 25, 12:08 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8F190 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Why offer a cheap option, when they can make people pay full price. For a new one

    fever to tell. Fever To Tell.
  • Fever To Tell.

  • iLog.Genius
    Apr 20, 02:42 PM
    You can just move them. By default they're installed to the Applications folder. Hopefully in future updates, App Store will allow the option where to install apps.


    fever to tell. Yeah Yeahs - Fever To Tell
  • Yeah Yeahs - Fever To Tell

  • FX4568
    Apr 4, 10:24 PM
    Phew. Thanks for clearing that up for us. Until you explained it so well I was really worried.

    Well, this is macrumors and i try to stay away from economic theories, but you asked for it, so here we go:
    Monopolies cause "allocative deadweight loss" (although its main argument applies towards state-owned enterprises)
    What does that mean?

    In a competitive market, producers dont have the freedom to set a price because the rival can always undercut them until the point where lowering the price will cause in a loss.
    BUT the monopolist firm can decide the price it charges by varying the quantity it produces, so it will produce only up to the quantity where its profit is maximized. UNDER NORMAL CIRCUMSTANCES, the level of output is lower than the socially optimal one, which is where the max price a consumer is willing to pay is the same as the minimum price that the producer requires in order not to lose money.
    When the amount produced is LESS than the socially optimal quantity, it means not serving some consumers who are perfectly willing to pay MORE than the minimum price that the producer requires but who are unwilling to bear the price at which the monopoly firm can max its profit. The unfulfilled desire of those neglected consumers is the social cost of monopoly.

    So basically, monopolies will start losing more money when they start raising the price since consumers will either 1) not be able to access such services (since they will only make the MIN amount for MAX price and by using calculus, you would rather spend a little more in the amount produced and make a little less profit rather than having an EXACT amount although you would make the best profit IF you sold ALL items) or 2) consumers will just stop using it since cell phone devices are not a NECESSITY but instead a WANT. do you think you will pay whatever cellphone company if the price exceeds a certain comfort zone in your income bracket? you wont.

    Furthermore, I will take it one more step. Monopolies can be good. If you look at the Mexican carrier, Telcel. The year Telcel was monopolized by Carlos Slim (riches man in the world now) coverage in Mexico grew more than it did in the hands of the state. According to the "monopoly=bad" argument, service in Mexico should have dropped in every other city that is not important in Mexico's economy while service should have exploded in cities such as Mexico City and Puebla. No, it exploded in the main cities while it also exploded with the whole country

    In conclusion, monopolies are only dangerous IF the monopoly is a necessity based. i.e. lets say one man owned the whole united states food supply. Then yes, monopolies would be the worst. But not cell phone companies, cmon if monopolies were SOO good for the company why would Bell even break up his own company? just for the lulz? I dont think so. Because the government told him so? I certainly dont believe it since Bell probably would have had the power to lobby his way out and in case nothing worked he couldve just brought it up to the Supreme Court.

    Anyways, enough with the economics jargon. Enjoy your economics class :P

    fever to tell. Yeah Yeah Yeahs Fever To Tell
  • Yeah Yeah Yeahs Fever To Tell

  • CWallace
    Jan 13, 02:33 PM
    Made this - what do you think?

    Looks like this -


    fever to tell. Yeah Yeah Yeahs Fever To Tell
  • Yeah Yeah Yeahs Fever To Tell

  • extensor
    Apr 6, 04:05 PM
    12 petabytes is mind blowing, i remember my first windows pc with 300mb of hdd space.

    My first computer stored data on audio cassette tape. Anyone know how much data that is?

    fever to tell. Asranur from Fever to Tell
  • Asranur from Fever to Tell

  • iNewbie
    Oct 4, 10:07 AM
    I agree for the most part. It's the same where I work. We had one resident Domino fan (who left us about 8 months ago), and she was the only one in our department who really liked it. Most IT people I know hate Lotus Notes, and our department is no exception. The client is an absolute pain in the ass to contend with. The whole system of IDs and certifiers is a nightmare.

    Here are some perfect examples of what's wrong with Domino/Notes.

    1. A friend of mine where I work accidentally deleted her Notes ID file one time. (for those of you who don't know, unless you're using the web client, a Notes ID is what stores your personal information [including your password] and you need this to log on to the system). We tried to restore her ID from a backup copy we made when the account was originally created, but it wouldn't work because this copy of the ID was from before she got married, and her name was changed on Domino. The resident Domino fangirl putzed around with it for hours, and could not get it to work. She ended up deleting the account and recreating it, blaming my friend saying "she made a dumb mistake by deleting her ID file." That may have been so, but doesn't it seem a bit ridiculous that there isn't a "Regenerate Notes ID" button in Administrator? Seems like a stupid thing to leave out. So, someone accidentally deletes their ID file (which I'm sure happens at places all the time), you can't regenerate it, and you have to recreate the account? Ludicrous.

    2. Or how about the fact that in Domino Admin, I can't change the password in an ID file, so if someone forgets it, they're SOL? As the admin I can't change a password???!!?

    3. We've currently got about 5000 users on our student email server. These are iNotes only users -- they don't get ID files and they don't use the Notes client, just web-mail. Domino doesn't provide anyway to track usage of these, only with Notes-ID clients. I've been trying to come up with a way to show how many people are accessing their accounts, and you just can't do it. I've spent hours on the phone with IBM trying to figure this out, and I can't. Their techs don't know how to do it. I'm trying to figure out who hasn't used their account in a year or more so they can be deleted, and IBM doesn't give you any way to track usage through the web client.

    Good stuff.

    I do have to say though, that although the client is awful and a pain to use, and that users are difficult to administrate sometimes, the server itself holds up pretty well. It really doesn't crash much.


    Regarding your item #1. Notes is this way because of SECURITY. When an ID is created it contains encryption keys. This is what allows it to communicate with the notes server and also secure data. IF the user chooses to encrypt their data, like e-mail, then without that ID the data is safe. End of discussion. Even the administrator can't get to it. Notes is a highly secure envoirnment. You don't hear stories or people hacking the notes server, or getting spyware, or any of that Exchange business...
    Security is the opposite of convenience. Now if the user in question did NOT take advantage of encrypting data then your notes "fangirl" could have simply deleted the user from the address book, created the user again with the same name and it would have worked fine which is what she ended up doing.. The reason why the name change caused a problem is because the backup ID wasn't updated at the same time - which is ok at long as you store your history of changes in the admin4 database. That change was probably very old and purged from the database. Regarding ID's what some companies do - mine included is store all the users ID's with a default password in a secure place - give the users copies and force them to change their password. Obviously there's a huge problem with this. Whoever stores these ID's has the keys to the kingdom - including being able to get to encrypted information. We chose to add some convenience at the cost of security in this case. Certainly the user did NOTHING wrong! One way or the other it should have been a 15 minute fix.

    Also there is a built in method for password recovey of notes id file - but I'm more a developer so I haven't messed with that. It does need to be setup ahead of time I think.

    Regarding item 3. You can easily see who's accessing a domino server by using the notes log (log.nsf). Wether it's the client or browser all access is recorded. Look under usage by user. Only the people who are using the sever will show up in this list. Typically data is only stored for 5-6 days but this can be changed. You can also go into any database and via the property screen get all the activity detail from there.

    Regarding your specific need. You should be able to get a pretty good idea of the last login time of a user in the person documents last updated field. I think that's updated daily.

    If you have other questions I highly recommend you head over to (now called ibm developerworks or something) There are excellent forums there.


    fever to tell. Yeah Yeahs - Fever To Tell
  • Yeah Yeahs - Fever To Tell

  • normwood
    Oct 9, 04:10 PM
    How in the heck do you show conversations?


    fever to tell. Fever To Tell.
  • Fever To Tell.

  • iMeowbot
    Sep 5, 09:19 PM
    You might look into Freenode. They do have a little bit of bureaucracy, but they do try to keep it down to what's necessary.

    fever to tell. [Fever to Tell - Yeah Yeah
  • [Fever to Tell - Yeah Yeah

  • Abyssgh0st
    Apr 10, 11:29 PM
    Saw this in the dealership today. I want one. Who knows, when I have $118,000 I might give it a try :p (
    Yellow Beast ( by Hisdem (, on Flickr

    $118,00? Really? I am floored that anyone would pay even half that for that car.

    Apr 30, 09:18 PM
    I like Castle for the new service. The whole Castle in the Cloud theme. It works.

    This instantly made me think of Laputa: Castle in the sky as well as the Laputa in gulliver's travels.

    I think apple should go for this over iCloud. It's a brilliant idea to brand a cloud related service as a castle. It just fits. They can even claim that it's "magic as a castle in the sky"

    Thank you for referencing one of the greatest films ever!

    A floating castle should be the logo. :D

    Feb 22, 05:49 PM
    as a non-moderator but a very active member ... it is sometimes hard to discern what will be interpreted as a 'bad post' and what the on duty mod will let fly. i think i've only reported one post, but will always try to diffuse a situation before we involve 'the authorities'; unless im involved of course. :p

    maybe i've just adopted bad posting habits ...


    very active poster :confused: under 1 post a day and under 1500 posts, ;) not quite very active in my view.

    i'm sure ed will be a great mod, many a time my keyboard has been splattered with food when i almost choked laughing at pancake bunnys and melon cats :D.

    i would consider ~6-8 posts a day very active which is what i hit last summer for a while :o.

    May 2, 04:43 PM
    I'd give blood as often as possible (and did so a few times before I left the UK) but the rules in New Zealand catch me out. Having lived in the UK during the mad cow disease outbreak (aka nvCJD) in the 1980s means they won't take my blood for a long time yet (I've gone to the donation centres and asked them about it twice). Particularly unfortunate since I'm O negative. But if the blood tests get better and they can verify that the disease is nonexistent and not just dormant, then perhaps more of us here will be able to contribute.

    Aug 22, 03:37 PM
    If someone could please look at: site redesign ( and notice the teal bar at the bottom that is cutting through the content.

    Please look at the source and advise on issue and how to correct. Thank you!

    Aug 18, 12:18 AM
    I love the first one! It looks like asbestos, but friendlier and meshed together with quartz!

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