Tuesday 24 May 2011

justin timberlake and britney spears 2009

justin timberlake and britney spears 2009. Britney Spears and Justin
  • Britney Spears and Justin

  • Lennholm
    Apr 22, 08:36 AM
    If you clear your cache and refresh, you'd see the image you are hotlinking to isn't displaying. ;)

    Its just a low res image saying go to "my digital life".

    Oh, I see. Yeah that's what I saw in the quote of my post but I saw the correct one in my original so I thought that worked. Haha huge fail on me trying to get a point across.
    Oh well, if you don't know what the WMP play icon looks like, this one should work: http://cirruswinery.argh.se/dropbox/images.jpg

    justin timberlake and britney spears 2009. Here#39;s Justin Timberlake#39;s new
  • Here#39;s Justin Timberlake#39;s new

  • bellman
    May 2, 12:23 PM
    I really hope that it comes tomorrow as my apple store credit card is on fire waiting to be spent. ;) however @dpdesilva on twitter is rumoring that apple will delay imac refresh due to leaks and rumors being overshadowed by Bin Laden's Death. Personally I think it might be B.S. I care more about my Imac than the story of his death.

    If that is true then im going to buy Windows 7 and a PC and pretend I like it...:cool:

    justin timberlake and britney spears 2009. justin timberlake and ritney
  • justin timberlake and ritney

  • mhuk01
    Jul 25, 10:07 AM
    look at the bottom of http://www.apple.com/mightymouse

    what's this?

    Mighty Mouse � Viacom International Inc. All Rights Reserved.

    i thought apple made them :S

    justin timberlake and britney spears 2009. ritney spears and justin
  • ritney spears and justin

  • Hipnomac
    Apr 10, 12:19 AM
    Went to the blue mountains about 2 hours west of sydney the other day.

    Just got a Rebel T3i last week, and my first time going out and shooting. I played with my friends the other week, and was hooked. learning as I go.


    justin timberlake and britney spears 2009. justin timberlake and ritney
  • justin timberlake and ritney

  • ToddJ
    Mar 31, 08:44 PM
    They ought to have a 'classic' mode for iCal so people can choose...i know it won't happen though

    justin timberlake and britney spears 2009. justin timberlake and ritney
  • justin timberlake and ritney

  • ZooCrewMan
    Jan 30, 10:32 AM
    Apple's stock (APPL in NYSE) has plummeted $68 in the last 30 days (from $198 to $130 or 35%) does anyone know what has caused this? Curious...


    Simple, it was overpriced.


    justin timberlake and britney spears 2009. Madonna and Britney Spears are
  • Madonna and Britney Spears are

  • DTphonehome
    Apr 13, 08:16 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Smart to release it now. The verizon iPhone, then the white one, extends the freshness of the iPhone while they extend the iPhone 5 release to the fall. I think by fall they will be ready with a larger screen, NFC, LTE, and a cloud-integrated iOS 5.

    justin timberlake and britney spears 2009. justin timberlake britney
  • justin timberlake britney

  • AppleScruff1
    Apr 23, 12:18 PM
    You're reaching pretty hard there. Apple makes consumer electronics that I enjoy using everyday. They're creating new markets and innovating existing ones. I don't understand how you can think that enjoying that is a bad thing.

    I don't think that enjoying the products is a bad thing at all. I think I provide a good analogy. I never head a non investing bragging about how much money the electric company makes or how happy they were that their health insurance company had a record year. I just find it strange.


    justin timberlake and britney spears 2009. Britney Spears, Justin
  • Britney Spears, Justin

  • Apple...
    Apr 22, 05:08 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPod; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8H7 Safari/6533.18.5)


    Likely: same design as current iPhone with antenna tweaks, A5 dual-core chip, more RAM, 8MP back camera, 1.3MP front camera, 64GB capacity (max), iOS 5, incresased battery life, etc.

    Somewhat Likely: "gestures", LiquidMetal, 4G (probably not till 2012, but who knows), improved display, etc.

    Not Likely: complete redesign

    That's what I'm betting on. I know I'm probably forgetting some things, but oh well.

    justin timberlake and britney spears 2009. justin timberlake britney
  • justin timberlake britney

  • TimUSCA
    Apr 13, 03:21 PM
    Id love to see a new standard for "HD". 1440p would be nice...but current media would have to catch up. That said, I dont think Apple could make a cost effective television. Sorry, but theyd sell a 42inch TV for 2000.000 easy.

    The reason the cinema display is so expensive is due to the insanely high pixel density and it being LED backlit. It's max resolution is 2560 by 1440.

    An Apple Television would only need to be 1080 across and LCD/Plasma.

    HUGE difference in price.


    justin timberlake and britney spears 2009. Britney spears love justin
  • Britney spears love justin

  • fkalwar
    Jul 24, 08:35 PM
    so would this be incorporated into the upcoming iPod, or the "next" update to the iPod?

    justin timberlake and britney spears 2009. Britney Spears, Justin
  • Britney Spears, Justin

  • DaBlackMamba
    Mar 17, 01:25 PM
    2 White Ipads 16GB! :apple:

    Had fun in line too.

    Waited from 7 AM.


    justin timberlake and britney spears 2009. Justin Timberlake - Love Sex
  • Justin Timberlake - Love Sex

  • NickZac
    Jan 30, 12:26 PM
    So we have...
    -A few porn stars
    -A Ferrari
    -A briefcase of cocaine
    -Excessive alcohol consumption
    -A $30,000 check to a porn star

    ...how is this any different than 'Two and a Half Men'?

    I love this man.

    justin timberlake and britney spears 2009. 1) Britney Spears 2) Shakira
  • 1) Britney Spears 2) Shakira

  • GyroFX
    May 3, 08:36 AM
    Awesome upgrade, glad to see they're hitting up the GPU for once.

    But now my iMac is out dated, which obviously means its useless.

    Now Apple, please upgrade the Mac Mini Server, with thunderbolt.

    oh noes, it's useless. If you're gonna throw away your useless iMac, please ship it to me. I'll pay for shipping. Deal? DEAL!:D


    justin timberlake and britney spears 2009. Britney Spears - Womanizer
  • Britney Spears - Womanizer

  • LemonsofDeath
    Apr 30, 01:14 AM
    Almost every song Ive come across on iTunes that costs 1.29 is the musical equivalent of a Michael bay movie.

    Also I wish someone besides apple would sell songs in something besides mp3, these days we should be able to download the wav file and convert it to whatever we want.

    justin timberlake and britney spears 2009. Britney Spears
  • Britney Spears

  • dvdgorila
    Sep 14, 09:25 PM
    http://img16.imageshack.us/img16/7559/applekeyboard.jpg (http://img16.imageshack.us/i/applekeyboard.jpg/)

    Not my pic


    justin timberlake and britney spears 2009. Britney Spears and Justin
  • Britney Spears and Justin

  • Steelers7510
    Apr 14, 07:33 AM
    Sorry, this is a dumb question.

    Whats a 16 GB AT&T iPhone cost without a 2 year plan?


    Google my friend... :cool:

    justin timberlake and britney spears 2009. Justin Timberlake Receives
  • Justin Timberlake Receives

  • MacRumors
    Dec 1, 01:56 PM
    http://www.macrumors.com/images/macrumorsthreadlogo.gif (http://www.macrumors.com)

    Last month's Month of Kernel Bugs (http://projects.info-pull.com/mokb/) (MOKB) has concluded, and a total of 10 Mac OS X vulnerabilities has been found. The vulnerabilities were wide-ranging, from a wireless driver exploit (http://www.macrumors.com/pages/2006/11/20061102085906.shtml) to a system call (http://www.macrumors.com/pages/2006/11/20061111185646.shtml), multiple disk image vulnerabilities (http://www.macrumors.com/pages/2006/11/20061121195941.shtml), and most recently an AppleTalk vulnerability (among others). Apple patched the first wireless driver exploit (http://www.macrumors.com/pages/2006/11/20061128162852.shtml) along with other unrelated vulnerabilities this week, however all remaining MOKB vulnerabilities remain un-patched.

    MOKB organizer "LMH" spoke to MacRumors about the project. According to LMH, most of the project's time was spent on Linux and the Mac OS, both of which were described as "not hard" to break.

    The Linux kernel takes little time to break. I'm more familiar with the code and thus it also takes less time to isolate issues. OS X kernel (XNU) takes less time but depending on the area you're checking, debugging and isolation may require a bit more time (if you take into account that AppleTalk source code is almost unreadable and totally deprecated) [...] I didn't have much time left for working on Microsoft Windows but I've received the most helpful feedback from the MSRC people on potentially interesting stuff to check. Not a huge reference of internal code nor NDA covered documents, but at least enough to start with.

    In LMH's point of view, the state of Mac OS X security is not great.

    From the technical perspective, OS X security is rather poor, at least when it comes to kernel-land code. This isn't a sign of negligence of Apple, but obviously when you take code from many different places and stick it together, it's prone to problems. Not just new ones but also old issues that 'went under the radar'. [...] (ed note: now comparing MS to Apple) I can say that Microsoft has a more thorough auditing process and investment when it comes to kernel code than Apple. They also have the advantage of having such code being produced within the company. Mac OS X kernel, for example, depends heavily on FreeBSD development. A security flaw in the FreeBSD kernel will likely affect OS X and probably other BSD "flavours"

    However, just because LMH is a bit critical of Mac OS X's security, don't call him an Apple-hater.

    Taking security arguments apart, I have to say that Mac OS X is a pretty well integrated system. It's tightly packaged [...] and nice looking. I'm an OS X user myself and I certainly feel like Apple has invested long time on tweaking the little details. Now they just have to invest a little more on security matters, but not hiring a 'turnover security firm' to do the consulting that leaves the job half done. That's what failed, IMHO.

    First Adware for Mac OS X?
    In related news, F-Secure claims to have received what is possibly the first ever proof-of-concept Adware program for Mac OS X (http://www.f-secure.com/weblog/archives/archive-112006.html#00001030). The program, dubbed iAdware, will launch Safari to specified web pages when the user used any number of applications, and installation of the adware did not require admin privileges.

    [ Digg This (http://digg.com/apple/Month_of_Kernel_Bugs_Unveils_10_Mac_OS_X_Vulnerabilities) ]

    justin timberlake and britney spears 2009. Britney Spears and son are
  • Britney Spears and son are

  • blipmusic
    Apr 18, 04:06 AM
    Any have a guess guess what this might mean for the 11"? Will that have to be even more of a compromise? I'm worried the C2D/320M might be a better option for me if Apple go for Sandy Bridge and have to cut even more corners on the 11" due to even harsher space/energy drain constraints.

    If the CPU option for an 11" bump is only a marginal performance increase (*if* Apple choose to bump this summer), the nVidia GPU seems too good to lose.

    I can't/don't need to buy right now but it seems I might be good off planning it a bit.

    As for the gaming comments, give it up already. Personally, I want *one* (1) computer and I want to to be as portable as possible. That means both work and entertainment, some of that being the occasional game. And I realize it'll be a compromise. I won't buy it for the sake of gaming but why should that stop me from trying a few of them out?

    There are a lot of games out there, some being more playable than others on an MBA. Don't expect everyone to "need"/want max detail at native resolution @60fps. I'm fine with fps dips and low/med details. If it plays it plays. It's as if the MBA could only ever do monochrome text games. Can we stop seeing the world in an "either it'll be the best ***** ever, or it'll blow chunks" kind of way? Things are bit more nuanced than that.

    I'm wondering if we are underestimating hardware nowadays. To me it looks pretty nice, *especially* at the "low" end.

    iOS v Android
    Apr 28, 06:02 PM
    Show me list of dozens, please. 24 phones minimum. i would like to see you provide even one example.

    Good thing you can get it on Verizon

    Droid X
    Droid 2
    Droid World edition
    Galaxy S (Family)
    T-mobile G2
    HTC Evo
    HTC evo Shift
    MY touch
    My touch Slide
    My touch 4g
    Moto Clique
    T-mobile G2X
    Samsung Side kick
    Moto atrix
    Lg Optimus 1 (Family)

    Thats all i can think off. But that is a long list of great phones. I happen to own two of this list. The G2 and one from the Optimus 1 family (you may call it a bogo phone. But a great phone none the less.)

    Apr 26, 12:45 AM
    and going back to read the narrative... whats a gallapagos? apparently i discovered it but seem to not know what it is..

    I think he means the Galapagos Islands were discovered by Charles Darwin (they weren't). The stuffed dog Bagel probably refers to the ship the HMS Beagle Charles Darwin sailed on when he went to the Galapagos Islands.


    Al Coholic
    Apr 22, 08:06 PM
    I don't like this wedge fetish Apple is on. Tell me this thing will look better when I sober up. :eek:

    Apr 2, 12:19 PM
    http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5267/5571543499_60a9266433.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/tristangage/5571543499/)
    choose your side. (http://www.flickr.com/photos/tristangage/5571543499/) by tristangage (http://www.flickr.com/people/tristangage/), on Flickr

    Camera Canon EOS 500D
    Exposure 0.017 sec (1/60)
    Aperture f/5.0
    Focal Length 24 mm
    ISO Speed 100

    Nov 8, 10:40 AM
    I'd like to receive an iPhone 3gs 16gb White for Christmas and a ticket to watch the "mighty red" Ottawa Senators :)

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